It’s almost halfway through the year Sparklers and this Lady Universe just cannot believe how quickly time is flying. Thankfully, the mess that was May is coming to a close with Mercury finally coming out of retrograde on June 3rd, which is also around the time we enter Gemini season - the crafty twin baes that bring curiosity and change which is what we’re all about right now. Not only that but we have the full moon in Sagittarius on June 14th which is going to encourage us to look at things from a different perspective. It’s all happening Sparklers, so put on your loungewear, grab the chilled vino and settle in for the ride.


Not going to bury the lead on this one as the stars are saying this month could be the time you meet your soulmate - say what?! Remember, soul mates come in all forms, not just romantic connections, so keep an eye out for that special someone who could become a main character in your life. Concentrate on this good news because unfortunately work and family aren’t giving you, sweet Aries, as much life this month. Both sections may come with challenges so remember to take deep breaths and not do anything rash.



Good news Taurus, for those of you waiting for that promotion or recognition at work, this month could be your time. The planets have come together and said “yas, gurl, we see you” and finally your superiors are on board. Unfortunately, that’s where the good news stops as relationships might be a little tricky this month. You might not see eye to eye with your partner and if that is the case remember single women are the happiest demographic, so whatever happens you’re going to be fine. 



Everything's coming up sunny side for you this month Gemini, and no surprise considering this is your season, so strut those streets like it’s your runway gurl, because there are good times ahead. We’re talking fun at work, even a potential promotion, as well as great times with friends, loved ones, and family. But remember, nothing is guaranteed so to get those good times you need to have a bright, positive perspective. Try not to get down into the unnecessary details this season, be carefree and enjoy your time. 



Cancerians, you are a unique sign, and don’t ever let anyone distinguish your light. Now is the time to be as you as you can be, not letting any haters or people that don’t understand you steer you off course. Your uniqueness is what makes you so great and it’s what is going to propel you forward during this time. Good things are coming as long as you stay true to yourself, listen to that crab gut and block out any negative losers. 


Show Leo the monnnneeyyyyy! This month it’s raining cold hard cash for Leo’s in business, so be mindful of what’s on offer and make decisions accordingly. It’s also a great time to hit the road and explore, so grab your loved ones and go on a cheeky adventure. Choose carefully though, family life has the potential to derail your good mood, so keep away people that suck your energy as opposed to filling you up. 


This month brings good news and bad news sorry Virgo. The good news is your health should be A-OK this month, so look after yourself and you’ll see the benefits. The bad news is that work is going to be a bit of a bitch this month, so taking care of yourself will make the career struggles just that little bit easier. Don’t worry though, bad times are always temporary and there’s plenty of goodness to look forward to coming your way in the months to come. 


The universe is giving you two strong messages this month Libra, so be sure to take note. Firstly, now is the time to be genuine in everything you do. This includes being honest to others as well as yourself. Now is not the time for deceit and lies, it’ll only come back to bite you tenfold down the line. Secondly, now is not the time to make that big purchase or splash the cash. Save for that rainy day, you don’t know what’s coming down the track, so give your future self the best chance by being careful today. 


Life is looking good this month but you will only get out what you put in Scorpio. Now is the time to put the effort up to the max and show the ones you love how much they mean to you. Play with the kiddies, plan a date night for the partner, or buy a coffee for your fave colleague. It’s all about reaping what you sow this month my little scorpions so put that stinger away and bring the good vibes. 



This month is all about career and education for our Sagittarius sisters. Focus on these sectors of your life and the planets will help you achieve your goals. Remember there is no gain without a little pain, so put in that extra effort and the universe promises to reward you. Don’t be reckless with your ideas and decisions though, a bad investment can be as damaging as a good one, so take your time to consider the pros and cons. 


Take a beat sweet Capricorn and trust the process. Right now you might want to be going a mile-a-minute, but the universe has other plans for you. Now is the time to take stock and wait patiently for what is meant to come your way. Be grateful for what you have and trust in yourself that good times are coming. Things might feel like they’re steering off course right now, but trust in your skillset and empathy to bring things back to equilibrium.



Your health is looking good this month but only if you work on it. Be conscious about both your physical and your mental health, as one cannot reach its potential without the other. For all the Aquarian business babes out there, this month is a good time for you. Be brave in your decisions, make the most of the opportunities that are coming your way, you won’t regret it. 



Oh lovely Pisces, you’re in for a killer of a month. June is all about the romance, so light those candles, run that bubble bath and make it known to your partner that you are in the mood for lurrrvvve. For those single Pisceans, do not disappear, self love is just as important as relationship love, so call your fuck buddy, charge that vibrator and treat yourself to some leg-shaking fun. It might also be the right time to try that something that makes you a little afraid, so be brave dear Piscean, your fave new position could be just around the corner. 

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