We’re done with the first quarter of the year, Sparklers! We can finally take a breath. We start the month with Mercury entering Taurus, so we’re stepping into that big earth sign energy with grounded, down to earth thinking. Only further propelled by the Sun moving into Taurus towards the end of the month, so this is sure to last! This is a time of security, lots of self love and slow, intentional living. Touch some grass and enjoy basking in the beauty!
Happy Aries SZN! It’s your month, Aries. This month is a time to truly celebrate you and all your gloriousness. It’s time for fun! Get out there and do something that really lights you up. We know you’ll be partying with all your loved ones, but don’t forget to spend some time celebrating with yourself, too. Take yourself on a date, have a sexy sesh alone, speak your affirmations - treat yo’ self, Aries!
Mercury comes into Taurus at the start of this month so you may be feeling more earth sign than ever! The energy here is firmly grounded, solid and no BS will be tolerated. Lean into this time of slow living. It’s okay to take time to process your thoughts and emotions and to fall in love with the ritual of monotony. Routines are rituals too, you know, and there’s beauty in the everyday. This month is all about prioritising you (and not feeling guilty about it).
We see you meditating on top of the mountain this month, Cap. Watching over the carnage below. You’re the (literal) sea-GOAT of balancing the emotional and the physical realms. This month is all about balance, and since you’ve got that locked and loaded, why not go out and have some fun! Plan a trip, go on a date, spend some of that money we know you’ve got tucked away for times like this! Reward yourself. It’s okay to indulge…
Okay Scorpio, now is your time to shine. With an eclipse coming up, people around you might start acting on impulse, but you’ll see through all the shit. You scorpios are a lil bit psychic after all. It’s time to drop the baggage, don’t carry what’s not yours and don’t put up with anything that’s going to put you in a funk. We don’t have time for it!
Oooh. We’re starting off the month with a full moon in Libra. This is a time for you to look at the areas of your life that need balance, especially within relationships. This full moon is focussed on equality (which we love!), so while reviewing the ways to be better for your loved ones, don't forget to ask yourself “what do I need?” because whatever it is, you deserve it, Libra.
Leo, Leo, Leo, we love it when you shine! And you always do. Now is the time to revitalise yourself with the breath of fresh air that new experiences bring. It’s time to break the routine, Leo. We know you love to love, but live this month being authentically you, only for yourself, and see just how free it makes you feel. Be a little selfish this month, do something that only you want to do and don’t give a damn what anyone else thinks!
We love how you’re always on a quest for knowledge, Sag. This month is a perfect time to flex that knowledge to the people you meet. There’s opportunity in the air, we can smell it! With Venus in Gemini, people will be drawn to your mind, so now is the time to show it off! Do a little shameless self-promotion and watch those rewards roll in.
With Venus coming into Gemini at the start of this month, you may find yourself more inquisitive and drawn to the minds of the people you meet. This is a social and exciting time for you, Gemini, and we know you'll thrive in this energy! Have fun this month. Flirt, chat and get to know new people, now might just be the right time to step out of your comfort zone and spark interesting conversations with people you might not talk to otherwise. Who knows where this could lead…
Okay, Pisces, strap in (and strap on). You have a strong connection to both fantasy and reality, but now is the time to use discernment to navigate which is which. Things might heat up this month but this is a time for short term flings, having fun, learning things from others and getting a lil sexy… but remember to keep your head above water and see things for what they really are.
With a new moon coming up, now is the perfect time to tap into your confidence, to show yourself what you’re really capable of! This is the chance to start that new project, delve deeper into your passions and take the leap into doing that thing you might’ve been scared to do! Nothing great comes without a little risk, you’ve got this, Cancer. Trust in yourself and don’t hold back!
Be careful of getting too narrow-minded this month, Virgo. Impulsivity and stubbornness is in the cards with Mercury in Taurus, so try to keep yourself in check by using your heightened common sense as discernment. Slow down your thought processes, keep your mind wide open and trust your gut once you’ve really thought things through!
Out with the old, in with the new! That’s the message for you this month, Aquarius. It’s time to declutter your mind, drop anything that is no longer serving you and clean house! Jump into your journal (or your notes app) and re-evaluate everything that nags at you in the back of your mind, everything that you can’t be bothered putting up with anymore. And never be afraid to keep your boundaries firm.
Written by Tayler Pineda